Back Pain Treatments

At first, a bit of back pain may not seem like a big deal. However, back issues tend to worsen over time if not properly treated. A sore back today may mean limited mobility a few weeks from now. It’s a good thing then that Dr. Karine Manasse and Dr. Patricia Lindor at the Chiroworx Chiropractic and Wellness Studio provide back pain treatment in Orange, NJ. The right chiropractic care will not only relieve your pain but may also improve your mobility and overall quality of life.

A Closer Look at Chiropractic Care for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is often caused by issues with the spine. If your spine is not properly aligned, it could result in strain on the muscles and other tissues in your back. Likewise, if the discs between the vertebrae in your spine are bulging out or in poor shape, this too could result in chronic pain. Pressure on nerves owing to impingement can result in chronic shooting pain that may also affect the function of the body part the nerve communicates with.

Chiropractors are sometimes thought of as back doctors. In practice, many chiropractors now treat other areas of the body. However, chiropractic care did start with a special focus on the spine, due to its importance to both the musculoskeletal and neural systems.

Chiropractors can use a variety of hands-on treatments, such as massage therapy and spinal manipulation, to encourage better alignment and reduce muscle strain. Crucially, this can lead to back pain relief both now and in the future. By resolving underlying issues, like a poorly aligned spine, it may be possible to outright prevent back pain.

If you’re looking for relief from back pain, it’s time to work with a chiropractor. Fortunately, folks who live in or near Orange, NJ, and need to address back pain can see Dr. Manasse or Dr. Lindor at the Chiroworx Chiropractic and Wellness Studio. Both are experts when it comes to resolving back aches.

How Back Pain Could Impact Your Life

It can be tempting to ignore aches and pains, especially when they first appear. Your aches might seem slight, and you may think that your body will heal on its own. The body does have amazing healing properties, but it can often use a helping hand. Your back is a key foundation for your entire body. Problems with the spine and soft tissues in the back could reduce your mobility, make it hard to sleep, and cause other issues.

Fortunately, a chiropractor can help. The right treatments today can help you safeguard your overall well-being. Looking for back pain relief in Orange, NJ? Go ahead and give Chiroworx Chiropractic and Wellness Studio a ring at 973 678 2397. Then you can speak with Dr. Manasse or Dr. Lindor.

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