Chiropractic Soft Tissue Therapy

Soft tissue manipulation or manual therapy covers a range of treatments that aim to modulate pain, increase joint range of motion, and reduce or eliminate soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction. These techniques also induce relaxation and improve contractile and non-contractile tissue extensibility. Manual therapy techniques may be performed on individuals with symptoms that may include a limited range of motion, muscle spasm, pain, scar tissue or contracted tissue and/or soft tissue swelling, inflammation or restriction.

Try soft tissue therapy in Orange, NJ provided by Dr. Karine Manasse and Dr. Patricia Lindor of Chiroworx Chiropractic & Wellness Studio.

What Is Soft Tissue Therapy?

If you’re an athlete or someone who’s dealt with significant injuries in the past, you may be familiar with physical therapy. Physical therapy excels at alleviating pain and gradually restoring your body’s capabilities.

Soft tissue therapy is a variation of that. With this particular form of treatment, your chiropractor will focus more on your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Notably, soft tissue therapy can be administered in different ways.

The method you are most likely familiar with is massage. Your chiropractor will utilize different massage techniques to address problems affecting your soft tissues.

Your chiropractor may also help you perform therapeutic exercises. Those therapeutic exercises will target your soft tissues and strengthen them.

Chiropractors may also use electric muscle stimulation during soft tissue therapy. During an electric muscle stimulation session, your chiropractor will attach electrodes to the parts of your body that are currently causing issues. The electrodes will then simulate muscle contractions.

Work with Dr. Manasse and Dr. Lindor of the Chiroworx Chiropractic & Wellness Studio if you wish to try soft tissue therapy in Orange, NJ.

What Are the Benefits of Soft Tissue Therapy?

What can you expect if you go in for a soft tissue therapy session?

For starters, you can expect to experience lasting pain relief. Whether you’re getting a massage, performing therapeutic exercise, or receiving electric muscle stimulation, you will experience pain relief following your treatment session.

Soft tissue therapy is also great for promoting faster healing. Electric muscle stimulation works especially well for that because it allows essential nutrients to reach your ailing tissues faster. Any metabolic waste located near your muscles can also be removed during electric muscle stimulation.

Long-term, soft tissue therapy is good for you because it strengthens your muscles and connective tissues. If you’ve been plagued by a nagging injury, adopting a soft tissue therapy regimen will address that problem.

Those therapeutic exercises that you’ve added to your routine will also be very helpful in terms of injury prevention. They can condition your body better for the rigors of your routine.

Book your soft tissue therapy session in Orange, NJ today by calling 973-678-2397 and setting your appointment with Dr. Lindor of the Chiroworx Chiropractic & Wellness Studio.

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