Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Maybe you have constant sore muscles because of your intense exercise or suffered an injury. Thanks to electrical muscle stimulation in Orange, NJ, relief is available. Dr. Karine Manasse and Dr. Patricia Lindor are experienced chiropractors who can help ease your sore muscles and spinal issues at Chiroworx Chiropractic & Wellness Studio.

What Is Electrical Muscle Stimulation?

During the EMS procedure, your chiropractor can use a device to deliver electrical impulses to your nerves or muscles directly through the skin. The procedure may help patients with pain management. People often need such help after an athletic injury, accident, or surgical recovery.

If you're short on time, have comfort knowing that EMS is a quick process. Dr. Manasse and Dr. Lindor will place electrodes on the skin, which send the current to your muscles and nerves. How much of the current is used during therapy will depend on the extent of your injury and chronic pain level. You can expect your muscles to tingle or feel a little prickly. That likely results from the little contractions the pulses are causing. The sensation is often enjoyable and not something to worry about. It’s also a way to notice the process is working.

Who Can Benefit from This Treatment?

There are several people who can benefit from electrical muscle stimulation in Orange, NJ. Maybe you pulled your back at work, have swollen muscles from overexerting yourself, or suffered a bad fall. Anyone who needs help with muscle healing or strength building can benefit from EMS. Since the process helps improve blood flow and muscle stimulation, it's perfect for athletes or anyone who is extremely active. If you're dealing with chronic pain related to inflammatory disorders like osteoarthritis, it can provide ongoing pain management to help improve your quality of life. 

With expert chiropractic help, sore muscles can become a thing of the past. If you're still nursing an injury, chronic pain from inflammation, or want to increase your athleticism, look into the benefits of electrical muscle stimulation in Orange, NJ. When you visit the team at Chiroworx Chiropractic & Wellness Studio, your body is in good hands. Make an appointment with Dr. Manasse and Dr. Lindor by calling 973-678-2397 today.

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