Family Chiropractic

If you and your family are looking for a whole-body approach to health care, a family chiropractor is the answer. Dr. Karine Manasse and Dr. Patricia Lindor of Chiroworx Chiropractic and Wellness Studio in Orange, NJ offer chiropractic care services to every member of the family. 

Sports injuries

Children and teens can be very active in sports. It is quite common for injuries to result from sports, even if they are not necessarily contact sports. Often, a repetitive motion can cause an injury and the resultant pain. A family chiropractor can provide the care that your sports-loving kids need. Chiropractic care has benefits before athletes are performing. It relaxes their body and gets everything operating at the highest potential. Afterwards, it can help with soreness, or an injury that results from playing hard.  

Sore back

A sore back is something that a family chiropractor sees a lot. It can be a result of your employment. Heavy lifting, hunching over a computer every day, repetitive motion, and poor posture are just some of the reasons why you may have a sore back. After an initial exam, your chiropractor will put together a customized treatment plan for you. It will most likely begin with spinal manipulation to correct any misalignments that have occurred. Short quick movements can bring the soft and hard tissue back into the correct alignment. 

To continue your alignment, you may be given therapeutic exercises to perform. You will be shown what to do in the office, and then you will be able to continue your improvement at home. 


As you age, degeneration is a natural process. The discs in your back may bulge or herniate as they lose fluid and this can cause lots of pain. Osteoarthritis for many people is a part of aging, but there are therapies that your family chiropractor can use to provide you with the maximum amount of flexibility and the least amount of pain. With the proper chiropractic therapy, you can maintain much more of your youthful vigor than you may expect. 

No matter what your age, you can benefit from the natural no-medication philosophy that your family chiropractor practices.  

For a family chiropractor in Orange, NJ, you can trust Dr. Manasse & Dr. Lindor of Chiroworx Chiropractic and Wellness Studio for your health care needs. To make an appointment for an evaluation, call their office at 973-678-2397

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4:00 pm-7:00 pm


4:00 pm-7:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm

4:00 pm-7:00 pm


4:00 pm-7:00 pm


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