Herniated Disc Treatment

Your spinal column includes several discs, each located in between the vertebrae. These discs can develop problems from overuse, trauma, or degeneration. As a result, you may be dealing with a herniated disc. At ChiroWorx Chiropractic & Wellness Studios in Orange, NJ, Dr. Karine Manasse and Dr. Patricia Lindor are your trusted chiropractors who can diagnose and treat painful back conditions with non-surgical techniques.

What Is a Herniated Disc?

In a healthy spine, the discs are properly aligned, provide shock absorption, and space out the vertebrae enough for nerve roots to emerge. However, trauma to the area or degeneration can cause one or more of them to herniate. A herniation happens when the soft inner core protrudes through the tough outer layer. Such trauma may be sudden from an accident like a vehicle collision or bad fall. In other cases, disc problems develop over time from repetitive movements and lifting heavy objects. As the body ages and disc fluid decreases, discs can become more fragile. 

Anytime your spinal discs herniate or bulge, it can put pressure on one of the nearby nerves. As a result, you may feel pain, numbness, or tingling. If the herniated disc is in the neck or cervical spine area, it may also cause numbness or tingling to radiate to your arms. Sciatica is a condition in which a spinal disc compresses the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back, down the buttocks, and down each leg to the back of the heel. The only way to relieve this pain is to push the disc back into place.

How Can Chiropractors Help?

When you visit Dr. Manasse and Dr. Lindor about your herniated disc in Orange, NJ, they will assess the extent of your herniation. The best form of treatment is a regimen of adjustments or flexion distraction. During a chiropractic adjustment, you lay on a table as chiropractors apply direct pressure to spinal joints. Over a series of sessions, this technique can move the disc back into place.

With spinal decompression, your spine is stretched as you lay on a specialized table. The stretching produces a vacuum-like effect that pulls the disc back into place. As the disc becomes aligned with the spine again, you will likely feel less pain as the nerve becomes free from pressure. 

ChiroWorx Chiropractic & Wellness Studios in Orange, NJ, is the place to come when you are concerned about your spine health. Dr. Manasse and Dr. Lindor are trusted and caring chiropractors who can help if you have a herniated disc. To learn more and set up a consultation, call us at 973-678-2397.

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