Trigger point Therapy

Trigger points are areas of toxin that have gathered in muscle.  Most people normally refer to them as painful knots in the muscles. These trigger points (or knots) occur when the spindles of the muscle experience frequent tension or stress, causing pain in a particular muscle, area of the body or in the spine.  These knots can cause numerous problems including:

  • Sharp pain in the area of the trigger point
  • Dull pain in the area of the trigger point
  • Week muscles or decreased strength in the muscle 
  • Referred pain to other parts of your body
  • Decreased range of motion which limits movement
  • Decreased neurological function between the spine and the muscles  

We treat trigger points with a multifaceted approach eliminate them:

  • Trigger Point Injection Therapy
  • Manual deep tissue mobilization
  • Exercises to increase range of motion
  • Strapping of the muscle to facilitate healing  

Many times other offices will offer one of these treatment options as a stand-alone service but rarely as a combined protocol to change the muscle tissue and have it heal properly. Because they are not combined, optimal results are rarely reached. We demand results and thus we address all the treatment options as one treatment protocol.

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4:00 pm-7:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm

4:00 pm-7:00 pm


4:00 pm-7:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm

4:00 pm-7:00 pm


4:00 pm-7:00 pm


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